Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Spy 90s Navajo Print Gold

Don't judge me, but I've been rewatching the cheesy soapy glory that is Boy Meets World. Not even cute childhood BMW, but the later high school years wrought with all its delicious drama and corny humor. I do this for a number of reasons. The catharsis of heaving all those pent up sighs, mourning never having a love as pure as Cory and Topanga's, sure. But just as importantly is the super fun 90's fashion spotting. Like so:

Here's Angela from Boy Meets World (1997) wearing a sweet Navajo print fleece hoodie. Since I can't marry my preschool sweetheart, now my only wish is this thing will turn up during my next thrift store visit! Do you have any guilty pleasures in TV land?


Emmett Katherine said...

Sweiously wish I had kept all my 90s clothes. Most of them are back in style! Although I didn't own any navajo print back in he day.

Fabrizia Spinelli said...

That is why women don't want to give clothes away, soon or late they will cam back in style!
Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!

Cosa mi metto???

Sam said...

Can you believe that this print is back in fashion now? Everything comes back around I guess

Bad Joan said...

everything comes back in style!



I love 90's fashion! I love Kate Moss and Winona Ryder from the 90's so cool!x

hop on