Monday, August 16, 2010

Things to miss: My life partner, Tate

I am transitioning to my Wordpress blog; in a few days, I will no longer have access to blogger. It's going to be hard going through withdrawal from all my favorite blogger blogs, but I gotta do it! Along with facebook and other google related creature comforts... But please check me out there! May Go Wren: China Blog.  Fashion/vintage/style related entries will be categorized as "Zombie Lace"so click on that if you want to filter out unrelated stuff!

Today's post (since I don't have a lot of time what with packing and preparing etc) is dedicated to my cat whom I am cruelly abandoning while I travel the East. Praying my two friends can take her, but that's not going to be a sure thing til later today so KINDA nervous on that! Made this video to encourage them:

(if that doesn't work, try here for youtube)

And this is what I've been wearing to pack and move and hustle and bustle:





100 % Thrifted (something else I'll miss doing in China!!)


chelsea said...

Oh, sad! Is blogger blocked in China? Facebook too? Well, you look adorable miss. I will be checking out your China adventures for sure.

Isabel said...

Oooh, good luck in China! Yr outfit is so rad. If you still want to follow blogspot blogs (like mine!) try our

Ena said...

You look so lovely! I love that purse especially. I will definitely check out your new blog :)


Maggie said...

Aw now *I* want to take care of your lovey dovey kitty Tate! But mine might get jealous, he is quite the love machine too. (Lays on my chest for snuggles every morning and before I go to bed too usually!)

hop on